Billing Management

Billing electronically has never been any simpler; relinquish the confusion associated with creating claims and proceed in a fashion which can be considered, fast paced.

With our system, the billing protocol is confined to a single, clear to understand billing screen where all the necessary information is readily accessible. The entire process is actually simplified to point where one has a task of solely entering in the diagnosis codes along with the procedures. Our direction with billing has been recognized as effective and simple to understand by our clients.

Supported Insurances:

  • Major Commercial Insurances
  • Medicaid
  • Nation Wide Medicare
  • Institutional
  • Empire BlueCross BlueShield
  • Benefits

    Obtain the benefits of unlimited claim transmissions, submit and re-submit at your own convenience without the worry of having to pay per claim.

    HIPAA compliant

    Secure a peace of mind with "HIPAA compliant" electronic claims transmissions.